Thursday, October 24, 2013

Week 7? Reflection 7 at least.

Today I had the opportunity to go and observe two classes in the same time that I would normally only see one.  I Went over to maple mountain high school and observed Mr. Roberts wood shop class where all the kids were working on nightstands.  Utah makes all the wood shops make night stands as one of the projects because my brothers both made the same kind of thing but much better quality.  There were a bunch of kids in there working on their projects and they weren't doing a very good job because the night stands were all crooked and messed up.  The teacher said that was his slacker class.  He said it always seems to happen where one of the classes are full of slackers and kids that don't care or listen too well.  It was unfortunate but you can't get around it.  I helped out some of the kids as they were putting their panels together for the top of the nightstands.  That was a fun experience.  After Mr. Massic's prep period was over the welding class started.  It was fun to watch but most of it was out in the welding booths and you need protective masks and gloves to get in there.  We didn't stay much longer because it was already ten o'clock.  He had some interesting methods like the time clock that he had the students use to log their hours for attendance and they also get state credit for the time they put in welding.  That was cool.
I would probably do things similar but the wood shop class needs to be tightened up.  The kids being slackers isn't okay.  At the same time, you cant make kids care about the subject you teach so you can either let them stay or kick them out.
I will have to watch how I manage things with my kids.  I know I don't really like letting them get into things because they make such a mess but i just can't help trying to keep things straight and clean at home.  That is as good of an "action" as I can think of.
I also wanted to mention my experience with the other high school that I went to this week.  I wont mention names but the teacher let me know what to expect as far as pay was concerned teaching in this school district and possibly its the same in others.  It was slightly more than I make now by about $10,000 a year.  I didn't consider a career in teaching to make it big and live a fancy expensive life but I feel like putting all this work in to get slightly better pay per year than I get now seems like a bad deal.  Honestly that scared me.  I hope I don't sound greedy or ungrateful,  I just want to be able to live.  4+ years of schooling and barely making more than what you can make at an entry level position is not a good trade.

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