Thursday, September 12, 2013

Week 2!

I am reading the section in the Wong book about classroom management.  The book describes what should be done to prepare for students.  Everything from the way the room is set up to the things you have on the walls is discussed.  I understand and agree with the idea that the way a room is organized will affect the level of comfort and ultimately the amount of work that can be done.  I know that I am a pretty organized person and and I like things in their places so i don't think this will be a problem for me.  The book talked about having nearly bare walls and anything that might be in the line of sight of students to the board away.  I have been in some classes where the teacher had every available section of wall covered in something.  It wasn't distracting for me but I don't know about my classmates.  I like the way Shum's class is laid out.  I like the two rows and the board but also the space around the classroom for the rest of the projects that we do in there.  Its the perfect room for a technology class.  Keeping only things that students are allowed to touch accessible was another thing that was mentioned and I remember it because here at our school we don't seem to have a theft problem and i forget that things get taken in the real world.

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